Social media etiquette at weddings


To post or not to post.. that is the question. Social media is huge today, so it’s important that when it comes to the big day of one of your nearest and dearest, or even your very wedding day, rules are set and understood. Here are some tips to help you steer direction down the desired path.

What are the options?

  1. Before the wedding, the couple to be wed should communicate any specific guidelines regarding social media usage. They may prefer an unplugged wedding where guests are asked not to use their phones or post pictures, this can be limited to ‘unplugging’ the ceremony itself, or completely ‘unplugging’ the entire wedding day.
  2. It may be that the happy couple create a hashtag that is to be used by guests, allowing them to each add into an online ‘album’. The message of this social hashtag can be spread by sharing on the Order of Service booklets, or on plaques on every table.
  3. On the day, adding fun and polite instructions can allow wishes to be reiterated in a light-hearted manner. Consider a clearly displayed handwritten blackboard at the entrance, or designate the task to bridesmaids and ushers.

No matter the rules, it is always a common curtesy to check with the bride and groom at every wedding if they are happy for you to upload a picture. This special day can bring varied emotions and requests, and some couples may prefer to keep their special moments private, at least until the professional images come out, and so it’s always to check before posting.

Choose your moments carefully

When it comes to taking your own photos at weddings, it is always important to remember that there will be a professional photographer present too. With this in mind, there will be times throughout the day where it would be best to keep the phones out of sight, in careful consideration of the professional images. These moments include the ceremony, speeches and fist dance.

During the official photo-shoot please do not impinge the photographer or distract the couple while their special and intimate shots are underway. This time window is often very limited. For group shots, please listen carefully to the photographer’s instructions as they only have the opportunity to take this large group once and your hosts really want to see everyone bringing their best A-game.

Remember, the goal is to enhance the wedding experience and celebrate the couple’s special day. By following these social media etiquette tips, you can ensure that your online presence is respectful, considerate, and contributes positively to the overall atmosphere of the wedding celebration. for more advice on wedding photography, get in touch.

Give me a call today

Let’s start the process of arranging your photoshoot. Give me a call on 07977 802 592 or request a call back or email so I can understand what you’re looking for.